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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Never alone.

I know I'm still cute, thanks and hi guys! I'm back here after million years (Ok I am always exaggerating). Oh and I'm not here to give some long-winded boring grandmother story, trying to keep it short (I'm just kidding, it will be boring), but definitely not those stupid xiang's point of view here.

So recently I have been through hell, as in I'd rushed out so many assignments in 2 weeks? Because me and my group mates.. ha ha ha no one is hardworking and will never be hardworking (tho we'd been always saying "next term I sure will choing liao!!!"), but they are really smart I swear!! I have two individual assignments to deal with, and it's gone and I have my freedom for a while! ^^ Well I have no idea when will I start my revision, I shall hope it will be asap but .... no.

Gerald, my favourite guy, brought me to Itacho Sushi during the last day of 2nd term (which is also my last presentation day of the term), I must say it's pretty yummy! Their Salmon Sashimi is really good, it's a pity that I didn't went to capture the food I ate because I'm obsessed with those Sushi at that point of time.
And I'm still feeling sad because I screwed up that presentation *arg*!

So there are some pictures... of me *hehehehe* capture on the last day of 2nd term! 

Never fail to take selfie at home, and next up..... is some selfies in school, oh well~

Then next will be.... selfies with my guy outside Itacho ~

^ *Trying to be cool pose*

*not forgetting the super blur peekture*

Life is so good with him, really good. :)

So I have gathered up my rainbow's photo into a grid photo, I'm sure she will love me so much for putting it up here. I still love my rainbow although there's canaaaaaan shooter there :b

I'm not sure if the camera is focusing on yunlin or the man in blue :x


I have nothing much to say for now, and it's 1am now so I gonna turn in, like now. So goodnight everybody and have a good day ahead! ^^ I shall end my post with ~ 

It's pretty unglamourous and I better pray that he won't kill me the next time he read this wahahaha. :D There's more to come. *mua* day 148! :D (and yes, we do some weird stuff like saying "day xx" on the 12midnight!). 

There's nothing else for me to wish for but you, so please don't go. 


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