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Monday, May 26, 2014


I have been seeing couples breaking up and had a breakdown. Somehow or rather I understand how they felt, most people had went through breakups before anyway.

"People come and go." Well yes, some people do step into your life and eventually left, do note that some people are just meant to be part of your story and as you go on, you meet new people, or you may meet someone whom you might spend with for the rest of your life (you're lucky!). Do you all realise something? When you break up with someone you love so much, most probably you don't want to let go of this relationship. Oh well, I'm finally going to start my topic here, relationships.

I have heard of many. "She doesn't give me any freedom." so guys started arguing with his girl telling her to give him freedom. So, girls eventually feel insecure about it and started finding trouble for the guy and they eventually break up. When this happens, the girl started clinging on the guy because she doesn't want everything to end, and NOW, MY MAIN POINT IS, when guy started telling you this "I have so much freedom now" please, just let him go. He doesn't deserve anything from you at all, be it 1 or 2 or 3 years of relationship, if he choose freedom as his priority, he doesn't deserve your love. Because his love for you were never that strong, and he don't mind letting you go for his freedom.

I know many people will say this "So wasted.... you guys had dated for so long and things ended." do you guys know that this sentence of yours ruined so many people? Do you realise many people wants to patch because they feel that it's kinda wasted to breakup with someone whom you have dated for 3 years. When you have this mentality to breakup with someone, JUST BREAK UP. Well, one thing I always don't get it is why do some couples break-and-patch countless times? Break and patch? I realise many people patched up is not because their love for each other is way too strong, but rather they are too used to each other existence. Well, if you have a reason to breakup with someone, it means he/she is not your right one. Get up your feet and move on, and don't get stuck on your past and take each failed relationship as your lessons.

I believe girls get jealous easily (Well, I won't deny, I'm someone who get jealous easily too). I can get jealous just because my guy started whatsapping girls. It's true that that guys text girls or girls text guys are unavoidable, but to those that are attached, sms-ing the other gender is okay but.... I don't think any girls can take it if guys text the same particular girl every single day. Haters be like "Nah, is you don't trust your guy~" BUT, if you were to step into my shoe, I will tell you how I felt . Would you really like it if your partner spent only 50% on you, and another 50% on opposite gender? I must say, love is selfish (or ohhh~ you don't mind sharing your partner to another person? That's you, NOT ME). So haters I prefer you telling me right in front of my face what you hate about me than hiding behind your communication devices and start scolding me on my (p/s well I don't really touch that).

I love this saying, "Sometimes you have to let people go because they are toxic to you. Let them go because they take and take and leave you empty. Let them go because in the ocean of life when all you are trying to do is to stay afloat, they are the anchor that is drowning you." Kinda meaningful, sometimes you have to let someone go in order to be happy.

Lastly, relationship are meant for two, if any haters here trying to gossip about me having a boyfriend or telling my boyfriend that I don't suit him or he doesn't suit me, really .... stop interfering, it's irritating. It's for us to decide and not for the outsiders to do so. :) .

Day 90, happy 3rd month-sary my carrot !!! :D.

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