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Friday, January 3, 2014

Just a thought to myself.

A throwback to the day I went S.E.A Aquarium with Yun Lin ;3 . Ohwell, it was taken back to last year when... my hair (shown above) was still long . LONG OKAYYY LONG. LOL and well I cut my hair already so my hair now wasn't that long anymore but still long hahahaha. When I cut, I feel so sad because I got to abandon my hair but.... okay I got to admit that my hair is so glassy and I really hate it. However this doesn't motivates me to go to a salon for treatment anyway because I'm cashless . Well, when I have money I spent on things I shouldn't spent on but it happened so.... ~

Well, I REALLY LIKE SEA AQUARIUM TOILET UNTIL I SNAP A PEEEKTURE OF IT LOL. Cute max I tell you this is the toilet door hahahaha.

Crazy enough haha I know. But well, I didn't upload much photos here in my blog because I post it up all on facebook already. ;D . Not exactly all because some still inside my phone and I'm lazy haha.

A photo with Yun Lin hahaha.

Anyway photos taken in S.E.A Aquarium can be clicked HERE.

Also, yesterday I went River Safari with Yun Lin & Jia Hui. Yknow, I really miss Jia Hui !!!! It's been ages ever since I last seen her hahaha . ;D . Had so much fun yesterday and I got to say that River Safari is way worth compared to S.E.A Aquarium. Their prices are about the same, or should I say River Safari is cheaper. ;) . Okay, photos taken in River Safari is out on my facebook as well ;B. You can click HERE if you want to. 


Back to my title, as seen on my previous post, I broke up with my ex like a month ago. And some people might say it's karma for me or whatsoever, whatever the reason you think it is, it may not be true . Well, I don't find it worth explaining anymore because I do know that even if I explain million of times, people who hates me will never keep this in anyway , they will just hate me.

But sometimes, I wondered why do people hate when they can let it be natural? The word "hate" is way too strong, many used this word too often and didn't realise how hurtful can this word be. When I first broke up with my ex, and many should know that there's a girl that appeared in his life and he left me. I know it wasn't just the girl fault as well since the main point is the guy I loved so much love another girl. One-sided love, how can I be happy if I keep on loving a guy who doesn't love me back? So, I gave up. ;)

A guy that hurt his girl a million times and doesn't even give shits when his girlf when crying is totally worthless. This I know. There's a friend of mine, told me that I should hate this girl that snatched my ex. Okay if I'm nt wrong she's call px, type in short form will be easier for me to type. I'm actually not that sure if she even know that my ex got a girlf when she started flirting with him lah, well because I don't know.. so well, that's okay. ;) . I don't hate, I don't think there's a need to hate on them. At least I can let go of all the sufferings I had, isn't that good? Sometimes, you got to be a little more optimistic in order to move on, don't keep trying so hard to think of your past because it hurts. I truly know the feeling of hurt, really. Well, sometimes people came into your life so that you will learn, and sometimes only after certain things happened, then you grow up. This is just a journey for you to grow and to be more mature. However when a guy hurts you, and you found the right one, you can't judge that the right one will hurt you like how your ex do. I don't believe in the term "All guys are the same" because every guy have different personalities. And I actually find it a little ridiculous when people broke up because of different personalities. LIKE WHAT , if you want a partner that has a same personality as you, date yourself then.

In relationship many things are about compromising. And also, if things are not meant to be, let it go . I recently read about a blogger "dumping" her ex for another guy, and well, I somehow rather agree of what she said, feelings cannot be control. Well, we can't fully blame a person actually... Because you need to remember, it takes two hands to clap . When we actually choose to let feelings control you, things will be much different and also, if up to now, I still allow feelings to control me every single day, I bet I will still be stuck into the past anyway. Rather to say, sometimes it's the sweet memories that haunts me. Sometimes, I would say that I don't miss Ryan at all, I just miss the past. Like hmmm , "当初的甜蜜, 去了哪里" ? To translate, well, where were all those sweet memories went to ? Well, love... is sweet at the start and bitter in the end. Sweetness is always at the beginning, only when time passes, then you will know whether the person you are dating with is suitable for you or not. 

And if you realise, this person doesn't suits you, let them go before feelings fall deeper. If you know you two won't last anyway , but knowing you love this particular person, you need to let go before the worst comes. I just feel stupid to realise it now.. that deep in my heart I know maybe, I can't last with him at all because he can't handle my emotions. I broke up with ryan before (before the official break) . And I patch with him because I love him, which I actually allows my feelings to control me at that point of time. Well, never go back to your ex, because even if you said "I will change for you" but well, because you are too close to that particular person, you can't help it but to go back to yr old ways. 

I know, when many breakup, they tend to be thinking of "drinking" , "suicide" or whatsoever . I got to say, it's the most dumpest way is you thought of SUICIDE. Well, you know YOLO, so live to the fullest and enjoy your day every single day. Don't regret, because there's not much time for you to regret every day. ;D. That's all, bye readers. ;3

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