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Saturday, October 27, 2012

It's impossible to hide how happy I get when I see you.

HI. I'm back on blogging now because my FIT exam is over, ohyippeee. Hahaha, however I still have this stupid BS exam going on, the exam which I didn't take because I was having my English exam that day. Le sigh. Haha. And I heard from baby and also Sharon that the paper was easyyyyyyy. EVEN SAD RIGHT. OKAY SAD SAD :3. And wahhhhh jealous haha. Well, I guess from next week.. Nono, next next week better than I shall start practise whatever set A or set B and finish up everything haha, even if I don't know also must know haha, kiasu. okayy that's childish enough, are you still reading? :B.  Okay let's continue, I don't understand why am I posting food (BELOW) because now I'm MAD HUNGRY LOL. I hope my mum will be back home asap, she say 5pm leh. Wth imagine le me eating breakfast+lunch+dinner only at 5pm, okay good. :(. Okay opps, I was complaining this on my blog LOL.

Past photos haha, I always upload past photos one hehehe. :D.

Don't know when bought one buttttt nono there's more sushi below but first, my photos first hehe.

Spamming it because don't know which view will be nice. And meow~~

 Pathetic lunch?? LOL.

Le me again. Hi.

 And yeah this freaking pimple really freak me out LOL.

Okay so sorry hahaha I really damn zilian can.

Heheeeeeee okay mad with it, but each time I buy, I only buy two!! :3.

 And after eating sushi, continue to zilian LOL. shit lahh.

Dafug did I just uploaded??? x.x That's FIT WTF.

I don't even know I uploaded this but nvm, I lazy remove ^^

Starbucks with my one and only teddy at NEX. hahahahaha. :3. 

I feel dumb lahhh, it was my first time drinking starbucks and I still dare to say LOL. I still go ask Yunlin to recommend what to drink hahaha ^^. The guy that keep using phone (below) :b. Not really lah, it's just that I always take pictures of him only when he was using his phone okay bad penguin. He got this gangster style hair, hahahahaha okay why am I so bad. XD. But it's okay because I love him ^^.

I LOOK UGLY LOL. Or maybe I'm always ugly hahahahaha. And lastly, my favourite hahahaha. The guy above bought this for me and... sorry but to say that the day after he bought, I ate finish already LOL. And yesterday I wanted to buy one pole of it and my sist say I siao :3. 

& 20days and counting. ^^

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