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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

You know nothing. Don't embarrass yourself acting that you know everything.

(is my picture moving?) LOL.

So hiiii, life is terrible without my family at home. They all had went to genting . And I didn't go because I've lesson during Monday and Tuesday. Saddening. And well, today, they will be coming back at night!! I'm excited with the souvenir only. Because I don't know if they had bought what for me!!! I hope there's cookieeeee and my rose soya hahahaha. I prefer food eh^^.

Watched Prometheus with YunLin on June12 hahahahaha. :B. So I assume that all the picture above was taken before June12. (;

It's not bad, but I just find it disgusting.. grrrrrr.


Went Art-friend for my diyyy necklace hanger^^. I've done, but I've no camera for now :D.

Okay. I seriously feel so insecure with my appearance. Am I really that ugly or something? Grrrr, just one day without putting concealer and people find me being so different, which means not nice looking lah. I totally hate the dark circles of mine. I totally hate myself with one obvious and deep dark circles. Well, my left eyes is far worst than my right eyes. Because whenever I look into the mirror, I will be like "OHMYYYY, I hate being like this.". Argh. Don't feel like posting anymore. Bye~!


Heyyy! Just recalled something, my school totally ==. Let me copy and paste what it says. (:

Dear Students,
You are to refrain from using all electronic and communication devices such as handphones,
smartphones, tablets and other such gadgets, during lecture or practical sessions. This
includes sending text messages, assessing emails, browsing the internet and/or playing
games, all of which could distract students from concentrating on what is being taught in
Urgent calls such as personal emergencies, work-related matters, etc., are to be answered
outside the classroom without disrupting the class. Students are to conclude all calls within
five minutes and return to the class. Students who fail to return to the classroom within this
time would be deemed to be absent. Students are nevertheless reminded to keep such calls to
an absolute minimum so as to avoid disrupting the class.
If a student were to persist in using his/her electronic gadget, despite repeated reminders by
the lecturer not to do so, the lecturer could, at his/her discretion adopt the necessary course of
action to ensure that the class is not disrupted. This could include, but not limited to, the
following measures:
• issue a verbal warning to the student
• jot down the student’s name/ NRIC No./FIN No. and inform the SCA Coordinator of
the matter, for subsequent disciplinary action
• ask the student to leave the class
• call for security assistance
We seek your cooperation to ensure that the quality of the learning experience provided to
you is supported by your whole-hearted participation in the lectures and practical sessions.
Thank you. 

I mean, you kidding me? In the end, you will want to expel students again. It's like they took our money and then keep kicking out students. Wtf. ==. I mean, more than 5min = absent ? Are you trying to be funny? For your information, each module , 10% is for attendance. Mind you. My goodness. It's just 5mins wtf. Like that if I go toilet and shit for like 5mins, are you going to mark me as absent too? Because I'm away for 5mins lol. What the hell.

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