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Saturday, May 21, 2011

I owe you no fucking explanation .

I went to Clarke Quay yesterday with Yunlin & Zhaoxian!
Hahaha , our motive is to buy sticky back home! :D
Clarke Quay's view is nice! But boring! So after buying our sticky,
we went to gongcha to buy drink (Recommend by Yongying.)
She told us that Gongcha is nicer than koi ! So we took a shot !~
Eh! I really feel that gongcha is nicer than koi ! :D
Really! I feel like drinking that again! Sticky is sweet! (:
After that , we went to vivo ~
It's a pity that OBAA 'A' didn't come! Don't ps us liao ah! :p
Hahaha! I post very sian liao , lazy post already! Byebye!

Ohya , I've removed the part where I need to post 'Day1-30' (Boring!)
He he he . Nevermind , I don't want to post a emo post on my letters.

" A guy that can accept your flaws, love you unconditionally, & call you beautiful no matter what; is a guy worth keeping. "

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