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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

So it's gonna be forever, or it's gonna go down in flames.

It's gonna be another day, with sunshine - If you feel good. Or Groomy.. If you don't feel good.

Decided to blog today because it's my mummy's birthday :D . I ran out of ideas this year, she doesn't want a birthday cake, but I DONT CARE (How would I not buy a cake for my one and only mum).

But anyway heh, Happpy Forty eight birthday mummmy . 

I have mixed feelings, It's like uhm, You just want to forget all the unhappy stuffs that happened years ago and there are always obstacles arg, I just can't . Just came across a friend, where he decided to love another lady and dumped his previous one, he told me that he fall in love with another lady, and he planned not to tell his previous one that he gave his heart to someone else. However, she found it herself and broke up with him. So which solution you think which is better? To hide the truth,and make her realise it herself.. or to just tell her the truth? Both hurts. BUT if she found everything herself it's gonna be even more hurtful. Age doesn't define maturity you know that, I faced the same exact situation before, it's kinda bad. But, facing it , that matters the most..

Another friend of mine mentioned to me "Why are you telling her that you love her.. when the next moment you hurt her and leave her, that's not love." Which triggers me because how can someone said that he loves but actually he don't, confusing huh?

I am not sad because of my past, tho it was really bad. Flashbacks makes one doubt about future. 

This post is not a long post btw, I have no idea who will read this or so, but it's nice to see people still care about you, :) .

Gonna post some #throwback photos? :D . Recently I was at home, either gaming or watching dramas, completely lifeless. The boyf went Thailand for reservist and will be back a week later. He sent me this.

Thailand sky is beautiful, like omahgod, it's so clear.

I think this was taken a month ago? LOLLLL. I painted some cute nails that time toooooo!! Like hmmm, I'm too lazy for nails now, just wanna nua nua nua . 

But, it's kinda cute!! Well, I can't paint too well so I consider this as... good work? :b

Polka dots nails huehue.

AND AND AND THIS LLAOLLLAOOO, I really love them hahahaha. Just gonna share my review about this yogurt! 

Ate that twice and I'm satisfied hehe. But I have to be honest, not everyone will like this thing^,^ . I personally love this because the yogurt taste is really damnnnn strong! I really love yogurts! One thing that is gonna be a disadvantage is where their fruits are kinda too sour, I would prefer eating sweeter ones ? :b. I tried their kiwi, strawberry, banana , mango and honeydew. Duh, honeydew is not sour but... not sweet as well LOLL, their kiwi, strawberry and mango is damn sour I ALMOST DIE WHILE EATING, ended up throwing fruits to my lovely guy because he loves sour stuffs :b. 

Other than that, their crunchy thing (shown kinda clearly in the white chocolate one) is damn niceeee, ohyes the cookie one, it goes damn well with the yogurt hehe. xD.

Sayonara~ :D See me next time!

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