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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Stop holding on to something that used to be there hoping it will come back, knowing it won't.

Hi, I'm back once again. But well, maybe this will be the last post in August bah!^^. Because my exams are coming in less than two weeks and I'm not even prepared. Hmmm. To be frank, I have no interest in marketing, I wonder if I can make it. Haha, and this coming Monday is my 'O' level English Oral Examination, no confident. I hope I won't screw it up. And because there is an Oral, a day gone. I also want a self-declare break for a day. Argh, I hope I can do it, that's all. :').

Can you see my sexy nose, oh god, it's real sexy. LOL. xD. Freak this pimple, it can't get well!! I wonder if I should make all my pictures big but... no way, there's 50plus of it. Haha! :p

Oh well, this kind of spect will never look good without make-ups! :).

My favourite vitasoy!^^. In small version, cute max ok.

 Ahh, recalled, this was taken before the business law assignment due date, it should be last weekends!^^

Xinyan hehehe. bad ass me. xD.

Bad ass me again, :D.

Bought mask from THEFACESHOP that day. Hehe. It smells nice^^.

Hi, are you disappointed to see me again? ^^ LOL.

And next.... it's me again :D. Haha, wearing CD tee, but it don't really fits me anymore.


Done done done. Argh, I still have so much to upload. Next time bah! Goodbye!! ^^.

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