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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Love is like driving a car at night. You never see further than your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.

One smile from you makes my day. :D .

Yes! I'm cute as ever , hahaha . Okay, I've not touch my blog for a month ? :D.
And yes I break my record which I really like it .
Ouhoh, I've lack of pictures again , so ... I just anyhow bomb bomb bomb ._.

Today, I just came to know that 'O' level starts next Thursday .
I was totally stunned , not knowing that today is 11Oct already.
& I'm totally not prepare and I'm still here blogging , can see right huh ?
Looks like I've to ask someone to change my facebook password ,
And also Msn! Blog .. I can handle it myself so it's okay . :D

Should I continue or should I not ? Lalalalalalalalala~
Let me go and play my maplestory adventures awhile, haha! xD
Nonsense . I find every single game in facebook bored now , and that's really great!
I'm trying to make this post long but I really don't know what to post lah! :(

My sist told me that she don't need to go school tomorrow , which make me envy !
And also , I don't feel like going to school tmrw , but I've asked Mrs Chua to teach
Chemistry tmrw , Awwwww! Should have ask her about Thursday or Friday .
Because I really don't feel like going to school and I'm very serious! :(
Even before 'O' level , I've already plan what am I going to do after 'O' level .
I think I'm really fast . LOL .

: ). Okay, I'm lazy now. Byebye!


: ).

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