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Friday, June 17, 2011

A pretty girl is nothing if she has an ugly heart .

Hihi! :B , I'm back to blog again!
This few days , I went to RP to do my homework , & Something stupid actually
happened to me again! WALAO . :@

I've nothing to do now! So , I went to play my backyard monster in facebook! :D
I went to see laoba's base and see if I should attack him again a not .
Not fun one , I saw no dave . Awww , but , since he's upgrading his maprm ..
(I'm a baddie , I won't let him off so easily.) This will be my last time attacking him.
So , let me attack ba! :D . & Then , I will accept his truce . HA . I clever bo?
I want to upgrade my maprm too now! ~ I like that outpost thing!

Next , Xinyan is going to camp today la! T.T
No one is going to pei wo talk talk today . BORING . BORING !
I asked my mum if we should go shopping tmrw , (I want to waste her $$)
And she reject me because she say tomorrow we're going to celebrate
Father day . Ah! :( Why Saturday AGAINNN ?!@@#$#%$^!
I want shopping! :@
I'm not intending to do my Math holiday homework , except that Kranji Sec paper.
Because , I want to tick my paper , LOL .

Can you see a dabian there!? YA . That's what I'm trying to say , the stupid thing!
1800 hrs , I'm going home! So I walked with Zhaoxian to her block then say byebye!
After that , a few distance away from her block , my stomach suddenly shouted PAIN .
Obviously you will know what's happening , if you can see that picture above .
I need to dabian nah! (I wonder what have I ate today -.-)
I need 5mins to reach home from Zhaoxian's block .

&& FINALLY , When I was about to reach the lift ... You guess what happen ?
A old lady actually stopped me , & asked me if I can read EL .
Because I'm kind :( , So of course I say yes . If not , I'll say ,
"I can't read EL , because I'm from China . " LOL -.-
She asked me to read about the skin product , and another product .. Is about ...
I shall not mention , because it's way too disgusting , I don't even know how to
say out , you know?!! :@
Okay , my face become white already la! I really cannot take it anymore you know!
When I reached home , I was like ; OH THANK GOD , I REACHED HOME !
Maybe because I drank 700ml of yogurt drink today .. LOL .
But it taste great , I don't feel regret :D

Oh yay, I'm going to use my passport again! Although it's just Malaysia ..
But got 'chopchop!' , My passport is like very blank one . NOT NICE !
Julyyyyyyyy!~ Hohoho! :B
But , same sentence , "I want shopping!" However , I went to Malaysia
is to attend wedding , hmmmmmm :(

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