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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

If you can't live without me, why aren't you dead yet ?

He he he! I don't know why , But I like this deeeeeeeeeer! :D
I don't know how I actually fall in love with this toy . HAHA .
Today is Wednesday , oh sian ah! Two more days to holiday! ~
I wonder if there's a holiday for me , I got 8sets of Math homework , or 12 ?
8 sets of Physics -.- Can go die already! Teacher wants me to be crazy! :@
Hmm , I wonder if I can finish up all my homework , hope so .
Okay! Today I've to wake up early , just because of that Math lesson .

Time passes fast . & I totally can't stand someone anymore! Oh fuck -'-
Seriously , don't test my patience -.-
I just don't like to scold people , I like to be friendly ~ Don't force me larh!
I can tolerate all those nonsense , because I don't want to create conflict .
I really don't want to be someone who's mouth is filled with !@$#@$#@% /;
Very irritating -.- , and this only makes people feel that you're up to no good .
I can scold , who doesn't know how to scold ?
And sorry , I actually decided to post on that guy wall ;
-Asking him to STFU if possible . Disgusting idiot ~
But I suddenly choose not to , so I might as well share it on my blog .
Since I myself also know that I've very less readers (:
And because I've less readers , I don't really mind telling people how I feel .
I just don't know , this is the first time , I'm hating someone so much .
At first , I don't . Until the day where I found out that he knows that I'm
good to be bullied , and so he loves to insult me . Insult me short , I don't mind .
BUT , What I cannot tolerate is , not only he has broken up my relationship
with others , he actually insult me in front of everybody . WTF is this ?
That idiot once asked me to step into someone's shoe , asked me to
think of someone's feeling .
But well , Can I ask you to step into my shoe too huh ?
I don't even know how this words can hurt me a lot . Really a lot .
Sorry , (I'm not mentioning someone I love & he hurt me or what.)
As if you like someone to insult you till siao one . You like meh? -.-

I feel like drinking this now, can someone buy for me please! :p
Milktea ahhhh! :D
I find this nice , nicer than koi leyyyyy! (y)
But I still love koi , hahaha ! Gong cha! :D

Okay! Done blogging already , byebye! (:

Ohya! One more thing , THIS! :

SHINee ! (y) Replay!
"Faith, keeps life possible. Hope, keeps life workable. Love, keeps life beautiful. Best friend, keeps life meaningful."

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