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Sunday, January 9, 2011

There's spaces between yr fingers , so that another can filled them in.

Yesterday night , i suddenly gone mad ! Seriously mad !
I don't know which part of my brain gone crazy , and I actually
decided to do my homework . Who will believe that i'm doing my homework
during midnight instead of sleeping at that timing ?
Before i started doing my homework , i went to the kitchen and cook my
instant noodles , inside the bowl , there's only noodles and soup .
Nothing else .

Hahas , i know my cooking sucks . But however , at least i know how to cook
instant noodles . Oh well , i decided that next time , i shall have a boyfriend
that will cook for me :D
I got a story to tell , which is quite embarrassing to say , and it's a stupid act .
When i was in my Secondary One life , during FnN lesson , okay , i will only
say about myself , and not my partner . Because all the stupid things we had
make is all because of me ;x
First cooking lesson in FnN , we are going to make bread with egg , and also
a cup of tea . And after cooking , we will be eating that during recess time .
The bread looks okay , and because we used a spoon with oil when we're
cooking the bread with egg ,
After that , i've used the spoon that touched the oil , to mix that cup of tea ;x
And then , who dare to drink tea with oil sia ? WTF . Disgusting -.-
We've no choice , but not to have tea during recess . Well , stupid .

During Physics lesson , We've learn about waves , rays . And then .
Instead of Romeo at the paper above , we changed to Raymond .
RaymondChia , you know ? ;p
So it turns out that : Raymond's Mother Is Very Ugly Exclaimed Grandmother .
HAHAHA . -.-
But then , i love this chapter alot more than the previous chapter ,
which is real bored . And i used my time daydreaming instead of learning the
molecules moving this and that .

I guai right ? No la , i actually only took out my Physics and POA out to do.
In the end , i went to msg and ask pple how to do my physics -.-
No , actually is reply msg then shun bian ask de .
That's for physics . Well , POA , I've to do it on my own , and i left the last
part blank , because my balance sheet won't balance forever . Not even Once .
I almost balance the whole thing -.-
ALMOST ! But not balance . Pathetic .

I didn't really took of a photo of myself , because i'm very tired .
Oh , you know . Actually i'm very awake , after doing all those homework ,
I actually wanted to sleep , so in the end , i went to my bedroom ,
and slept very soundly :D
Hahas , next time during weekends , i shall do this . Nice experience .
Okay , time to end my post . And see me next week blogging . Hehaheha !

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