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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Don't be dishearten , because live still goes on .

This post , shall be a short post again ?
Because i'm falling very sick . I'm dying -.-

Hello everyone , here to post as i've not been blogging since a week .
Zhaoxian once told me , that 4E2/E3 '10 in the aircon room ,
2months later immediately sick .
Well , for me , 2 weeks later already sick . Looks like i'm really not
used to the aircon room . Cold leh ! ):
On thursday night , i'm not feeling very well , and actually , I don't feel like
going school on Friday . However , on Friday morning , i'm feeling okay,
so i've decided to go to school on Friday , which is yesterday .
But what happen is , when i had reach my classroom , my illness suddenly
came upon me . And i'm seriously ill . That day , i went to the toilet for
about Four or Five times? And I keep asking for tissue because i've
only bought One packet of tissue . NOT ENOUGH LAAA !
I'm going to be mad that day . I feel like going home .
I almost slept during Social Studies lesson , and during Physics ,
i'm trying to sleep , because i cannot stand it anymore . Also , i'm waiting
for my Mother Tongue lesson , because there's no aircon there .
But , i still need tissue there . Worst is , i'm feeling cold even at canteen .
At home , i'm finishing the whole box of tissue .
Oh Sorry mummy , have to waste yr money buying tissue and my medi .

I'm going to eat this for this few days . And if i cannot get well on Monday .
As if i cannot get better during Monday ,
I will not be going to school for that day . And i'll be
going to the clinic for a doctor to get my MC .
Oh well , i really hate getting sick , because i'll be feeling very tired -.-
And ohyes , i must be too stress ! Because of the O level result from students.
They've totally shock me . But i'm too sick now , i cannot get myself to
study at all . So hope , i got the energy to study ):

Pathetic leh . Tear away liao . HAHAHAHA .
I shall end my post here now , Also , I'm still editing my blog.
So now my blog is a little bit weird , i mean the picture
up there , doesn't fit the background . Hahas . Song will be changing
sooner or later , maybe by tomorrow baa .
Goodbye (:

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