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Friday, December 10, 2010

You wouldn't answer my calls .

Well , this photo is dark . Just ignore it .
Hai everybody :D Here to post my last 3days things .
071210's :
Around 1300 , meet with Somaline at Civic ,
Then go to Kwangchuan's block downstair to get sth .
The "sth" , seriously nice sia ! :D
After that when to cwp to see handphone ,
And meet Yunlin outside Mimosa at the bench there .
As me and Somaline leg is pain daoooooooo .
After that asked Simin to come there too , to pay for ClassOuting .
Went around cwp first to look for present ?
Then went to Jurong Point with Somaline and Yunlin ,
To buy Zhaoxian's present there . Well , we made something very
very very special . HAHA , not to mention here . Because Zhaoxian
haven receive that present :D
Hehe , just have to remember its something about 5cm x 7cm like that .
Mirror de ;x
Then before that we went to Long John to eat our lunch ,
and Zhaoxian suddenly sms the three of us , "To OBAA ....... "
Then we three reply the same thing infront , and behind we change
something . Well , Zhaoxian confirm know that we three are tgt ;p
Around 2pm : Yunlin called Zhaoxian about design of watch .
Around 5pm : Somaline called Zhaoxian about photos .
Around 8pm : I called Zhaoxian about make-ups .
Then Zhaoxian say , "You all very li hai hoh ? Yl call at 2 , Somaline at 5,
And you call at 8 " LOL .
Too obvious ;x
081210's :
Zhaoxian and i met at our old place , before going to cwp .
She went to buy earpiece , after that we went to
fairprice to see see things . Then we thought of celebrating
christmas tgt . Then thought of buying presents .
Then when we're otw buy sth , Engzhi called me .
Then ask me what Zhaoxian like . LOL .
They called me at the wrong time ! When Zhaoxian is with me .
And so , i just ask Zhaoxian , what she want ? :D
Zhaoxian answer me , "anything. "
So i replied Engzhi , that "she want condom" ;x
Then Zhaoxian want kill me . HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA -.-
After that we went to cwp again to find Engzhi , Kwangchuan ,
Raymond and Wenbo . Then suddenly they gone missing .
So Zhaoxian accompany me go buy my earpiece first .
YAY ! I bought a HOTPINK earpiece !!! :D
After that we went to level6 staircase and rest .
Then called Raymond ask him where they all .
After that they ask us for a movie . So we meet them at level 7 .
Then the guys go buy ticket !
And we watched My soul to take .

my-soul-to-take.jpg Pictures, Images and Photos

It's a NC16 show sia , And then that day from Zhaoxian birthday is
about 2days away ! And Raymond keep say that dont worry ,
Can go in de . LOL .
Okay , we managed to get into the movie .
And the ticket collecter look at me when we go in. HAHAHAA -.-
I look too young le ;/
Then going to sit , Wenbo keep asking me to go in first ,
because Kwangchuan go in infront of me ..
Then Okay , Wenbo get in le , so i sit with Wenbo and Zhaoxian .
Then I also dontknow why sudden jacket is coming to me .
Then Wenbo keep asking me to use it , say is Kwangchuan de -.-
After that i throw to Zhaoxian first , but suddenly Wenbo
give pass jacket to me , then Zhaoxian go snatch Wenbo's jacket ,
and pass Kwangchuan's to me . Dots right ???
Okay , the movie is all like human killing each other ,
quite disgusting . Well , when the first person is being killed,
i actually laughed out , and Wenbo go tell Engzhi about it .
Then they all laugh at me -.-
Some , i jumped up , because i'm shock .
After the movie , then go home le .

091210's :
Meet up with Yunlin at boots and shoes first .
To write birthday wishes to Zhaoxian . And Somaline is not
free ! Awwwwwwwww ;x
And suddenly Zhaoxian reach interchange , and me and
Yunlin went inside boots and shoes to hide first .
And i told Zhaoxian that we go toilet . Then after coming
out from boots and shoes , Zhaoxian ask ...
Omg , boots and shoes is the toilet ?? ;x
Okay well , skip that part ....
Went to Somerset to sing kbox :D
And i guess , i sing the most again !! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
After that went for a movie , watched Narnia 3 .
I lazy take the photo , but the movie nice ! :D
I think i will rate about 3.5/5 !
Okay , after that went to 313 for our dinner ,
Then go home le .
Wait for Zhaoxian's mum at interchange before going home .
Okay . I'm done ! (:

HEHEHEHE , Lazy post ;x

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