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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 6 - A Stranger .

Hai peeps ,
You might be a stranger to me , who are viewing my blog .
Because anyone in this world can view anyone blog ,
anytime they want to .
My blog wasn't lock now , so there might be any stranger here now ?
I dont know :D
Okay , thanks for being my so call listening ear ,
because i always write my opinion here . And you read it .

What can i say here huh ?
Stranger can be my friends actually ,
if it's from computer , so cyper-bullying .
Cbox ; Friends can anytime use "psb" and say nonsense about me .
And i will thought that it's stranger .
But in actual fact , they're just someone i know , but
in computer life , i dont know .
Stranger can be you , my friends , my family . No one knows .
Stranger are everywhere , and stranger can talk to you too .

I've nothing to talk about stranger actually ,
but anyway , bai stranger .
See stranger soon , after my cough recover :D

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