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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Can i not be choosen ?

I've out of photos .
I dont feel like posting blog again .
I think i'm getting bored baa ?

Life sucks . I've nothing to do at hme .
And then , i got a job , but my job totally sucks .
I rather choose boredom than job nia .
And then i give up getting minibits job @ Dec .
Isn't me dumb ? I should not even do that .
Fucking regret fr what have i done .

Today i got dance ! :D
And the dance is like so cool , song halfway change ,
and thn hoh , begin a story there .
Xiwei v funny one lorh !!
I and her discuss that we shall not have the baby ,
(in that storyy)
And so when we got to the step when baby is thr ,
we both make a move that we dontwant the baby ,
and we walk or run (??) to the corner !
And everyone is like laughing at we two .
And at last , dance teacher wna Xiwei to want the baby .
Then she is like force herself to want the baby ,
Funny like mad ! LOL .
You must see that infront of you and then you'll laugh
de . HAHA . If not nothing to laugh about .
My sist that chewingum , finally today wait fer me !
HAHA . So touching right ??
After dance , went hme with huanying at th bus .

I miss OBAA alot leh !
Can we meet one dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ! :D

Bai bai bai ! I lazy post ! :D

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