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Thursday, June 9, 2011

People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.

Hi ! :B
I'm back to post ! Miss me miss me ? :p
Short post ba! I post because the zoo post is boring! HAHAA . Too much
animal , & this reminds me that I've gotten three mosquito bites ,
& I've been suffering for three days! It's ITCHY ! :(
Hehe , all I can do is endure ! :D I can one okay! He Ho Ha !

Blogging is boring , but Facebook is even boring! & I'm very sad you know!
Finally finish downloading maple , & then cannot play, Go die go die! :@
I don't know what's wrong with my laptop , you suck :D
So , I went on trying to download to my computer , the problem is ...
Computer no space ! So .. In conclusion , Me and maple = No affinity uhs!

Look down , I like this quote :D

I want emooooooooo liao ah! So boring , can someone date me out ?
I dont want to die at home! Next week is the only week I can go out with my
Yunlin & Zhaoxian , so excited ! I wonder if this Sat Zhaoxian will ask me out
to RP to do homework a not , hope so neh! (I really don't want to die at home!)
Hehee! Actually , I can ask my sister to go out with me! I wna buy sticky !
I left 4 sweets left , don't bear to eat finish le leyyyyyy!

&& Should I put back my tagbox ? Should I should I ?
But then , Many people always go my blog without tagging de , so sad ! :p

Okay! I happy then put tagbox ba! So , I end my post with ;

L . O . V . E .

Hehehe! Whoever see this means you're lucky! LOL .
Okayokay , byebye! :D

&& I do update my tumblr now , (:
Inside is filled with quotes , I don't update my lifestory there ^^

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